Wasted Day?

At first I thought yesterday was a wasted day. Even before I got into bed the night before, I had started throwing up. I put a bucket next to my bed and it was well-utilised. Just before 3 am I made two decisions. Firstly, I was never going to be able to make my 7am appointment. Although I hated doing it, I sent a WhatsApp asking for a postponement. Secondly, I decided I had got rid of sufficient potential poison in my stomach to take a tablet. The best I could find was for motion sickness.

The rest of the day was spent either sleeping in bed, or dozing on the couch watching a movie or checking the news on my cell phone. I did nothing towards preparing for our Russian trip. I did not do any of my share of housework (which was already two days behind) and I didn’t even manage a quiet time. What a waste of a day!

But wait! What did happen yesterday? I learned (again) that I was not in control, and despite my pride, I had to pull out of an engagement at the last minute. I hate it when other people do that.

Then I got to witness a miracle. I can’t help being in awe of the wonderful way God made my body, that within less than 24 hours I had moved from somebody not able to wear pyjama pants or anything else around my middle, to somebody who could write a blog post, even if somewhat slowly and inexpertly. I did get to pray. A little. Every time I read a new headline of the talks and negotiations going on before the first meeting of parliament today, I whispered a silent prayer. I rested. A lot. And that helped me to get better.

I love Psalm 139. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
 I know that full well.
” (vs 13-14 NIV)

Diana Forsberg from Pixabay

My Prayer

Lord, I like to look back on my day and see what I’ve accomplished. But I realise it is not about me. It is about You. Without You I can do nothing. Forgive me for always wanting to be in control. Amen.

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