Coffee with Wings 2016

I have been neglecting my blog over this holiday season.  Perhaps blogging isn’t for me.  However, perhaps it’s time to try to get into the blogging habit again.

The following isn’t a bible verse but nevertheless a source of inspiration for me on a Monday back at school at the start of a brand new year.

walk on the moon


Mark Spence Peter Larson may be the author of this quote. Feel free to check out his website and avail yourself with his teachings. God bless and Happy New Year

3 thoughts on “Coffee with Wings 2016

  1. Kathy

    I haven’t blogged since mid December. The holidays are hard. But who wants to read the same old thing. What you posted is inspiring and true. I find that we blog when we have something to say.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nelia de Villiers

    I have also wondered about blogging. Is it for me? I wanted my blog to be full of family stories and pictures but my one daughter is scared about being vulnerable and in the public because the world outside is not to be trusted. So at the moment I am doing nothing to my blog. I am just enjoying other peoples bogs, like yours 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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