The Batteries – Friday Fictioneers

This is a story for Friday Fictioneers.

It is based on the following prompt by Sean Fallon.

Copyright-Sean Fallon

“They were my grandfather’s,” the garage sale lady told him. The jar of batteries was only R5. Clive Baker bought it for the tiny ones at the bottom.

“Just the size for my hearing aids” he told Mabel. “You know, the ones at the audiologist cost R100 for 6. There must be at least 100 here.”

“More rubbish to clutter up the house,” mumbled Mabel under her breath. “They won’t work, you know!” she said.

Clive put the new batteries in his hearing aid.

“Did you have the clock fixed? I hear it ticking. It hasn’t worked for ten years!”

8 thoughts on “The Batteries – Friday Fictioneers

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