Dragon Tale

Tommy Tucker was five when he found the little dragon, cowering behind his Lego fire truck.

“I’ve run away.” The dragon looked left and right nervously. “They want me to learn to puff fire and I’m scared.”

“I’m scared too,” said Tommy. “I broke my tooth and Mom said I am going to the dentist today. I’m not running away. Mom said I have to be brave.” A tear hovered on his eyelashes.

“Can I come with you? Put me in your pocket and we’ll be brave together.”

And that was how the fire started at the Randburg Medical Centre.

This post is part of Flash Fiction for aspiring writers.

The challenge is to write a story of 100 words based on a picture prompt. This week’s photo was supplied by Yinglan. Thanks Yinglan, and thanks to Priceless Joy who hosts the challenge every week.



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